Workshop on the Latin Works of Henry More


II. Concepts of God And Man in Henry More's Critique of Jacob Boehme More’s epistolary treatise Philosophiae Teutonicae Censura provides a critical, albeit sympathetic, account of the eponymous German mystic’s riveting vision of the cosmic drama of divine being and becoming. Written in 1670 at the behest of a friend (probably his “heroine pupil” Anne Conway), the Censura deals both with the person and the work of the famous Silesian shoemaker whom its author, despite the metaphysical errors of his visions, views as a pious Christian of great imaginative power. More’s answers to the addressee’s five quaestiones or “enquiries” amount to a Neoplatonic reimagining of Boehme’s visionary theological cosmology.
The Workshop starts with a public lecture on Friday, 30th November, 18:00 in HGA 20: Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann (Berlin) Der Teutonische Philosoph – Die Theosophie Jakob Böhmes in der europäischen Aufklärung.
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